Practice-Software Tip #6: Encouraging Student Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting

JumpRope software supports students as they strive toward the powerful practice of self-assessment and opens the door to mindful goal setting.

Encouraging Student Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting

The combination of offering feedback to students and helping them set goals profoundly impacts their learning. 

John Hattie’s research shows us that providing feedback to students ranks tenth among the 150 influences on achievement he explores. Student self-assessment is at the very top. It’s number one. Teacher feedback, in combination with student self-assessment, is a potent combination to support student goal-setting.

This blog post on student self-assessment explores how to implement effective student self-assessment in our classrooms. It explores the idea that not all self-assessment is created equal, and to be impactful, teachers need to help students know how to think about their learning. 

We need to help them consider which questions to ask, their strengths, and the areas where they need to grow. All of that is much easier to do when we have evidence of learning to examine with them. That evidence can take the form of the actual assignments they have completed, and it can also take the form of the data that represents their achievement on those assignments. 

For more on using JumpRope to look at data with students, see:

How does the JumpRope software support you in encouraging self-assessment and goal-setting?

The first screenshot below shows how data is displayed in the mastery tab, used by teachers.

The second screenshot shows how the same data appears in the family portal. Since all parties can access the same data, teachers and students can examine the data together. 

Such an examination would allow the teacher to model and coach, asking questions to help interpret the data, find strengths, and see areas for growth. This experience supports students as they strive toward the powerful practice of self-assessment and opens the door to mindful goal setting. 

If you’d like to learn more about how JumpRope can help you in the student self-assessment and goal-setting process, reach out today for a discussion.